Our vision of Open Banking

Create, develop, connect and monetise


Anytime offers to distribute your products on its platform for the benefit of its customers and its partners’ customers. Use the Anytime Connect module to collect information pushed by Anytime and get in touch with our developers for us to integrate your service in our marketplace (BankStore)

Find out more about Anytime Connect >

Banking as a Service

Anytime has developed a Banking as a Service (BaaS) programme to manage accounts linked to IBANs, to manage your international transfers, to emit physical or virtual MasterCard® cards, to manage the methods used for card delivery, to manage users’ KYCs, to monitor risks of fraud, etc. We supply all the necessary building blocks to build your service

Launch your programme >


Our RESTFul APIs are open to all. Use the pre-production mode to create your service, create accounts, order your cards, etc. When you wish to activate production, simply complete your legal documentation

Consult documentation >
« …very soon anyone will be able to build their own bank thanks to applications, APIs and analytics. Join Anytime to build this “fintech bank” »

Who is the Open Banking offer aimed at?


Optimise your Cash Management with reconciliation solutions for Cash In and Mass Payment tools to pay your affiliates


You wish to build your services with a modular, supple and flexible solution, built around building blocks

Banks & Insurances

Supply more services to your customers (Virtual Account Management, Ledger Account, Virtual IBAN…)


You wish to create, to improve existent processes and to offer better user experiences

The Anytime accelerator

Anytime financially helps businesses who develop services by using the Anytime BaaS building block, and who offer a service that could directly be of interest to the Anytime Account customers.

Do you have the idea?
We have the technology!

Create your account