Please check our PHP SDK, it will help you to implement our API.
Please check our PHP SDK, it will help you to implement our API.
Please check our cookbooks, they will help you to understand our API.
If you are using a firewall, ensure that your server allow the traffic from the IP address below:
Anytime's apis provide a production endpoint and a sandbox endpoint that will allow you to test your apps with all methods
The only allowed protocol is HTTPS
As per RESTful design patterns, Anytime API implements the following HTTP verbs:
- Read resourcesPOST
- Create new resourcesPUT
- Modify existing resourcesDELETE
- Remove resourcesAnytime API works with multiple security layers. Below we describe how to configure your credentials to access the API.
The first step is to create a private RSA key with openssl. The key will be used to sign your request by passing the signature in a header parameter named. We will explain it in detail later in the documentation.
To generate the RSA key, open a terminal on your mac or linux server and type the following commands:
openssl genrsa -des3 -out id_rsa.pem 2048
You will be asked to enter a pass phrase and verify it. Enter a strong password and remember it.
openssl rsa -in id_rsa.pem -outform PEM -pubout -out
Enter the pass phrase you set before and press enter. If the pass phrase is correct, the file "" is created containing your public key.
openssl rsa -in id_rsa.pem -out id_rsa -outform PEM
Enter the pass phrase you set before and press enter. If the pass phrase is correct, the file "id_rsa" is created containing your private key.
The next step is to send your public key to us in the anytime developer zone.
In the anytime developer zone, you have to specify the IP addresses allowed to connect the API. You can set ipv4 and ipv6 ip addresses or even an ipv4 or ipv6 subnet. For example, if the ipv4 of your server is, you have to add this IP address to the allowed IP to be able to perform API requests on it.
When the 2 previous steps are completed, you are able to make your first request. We have a quite simple API named apicheck that allow you to make a simple call to the API and get a 200 response if all is working fine. Please follow the steps below:
curl "" -X GET
As we don't have yet a correct signature neither an oauth2 token, you should get a 401 error with the following message:
Access denied. You have to provide valid authentication information.
The signature works by adding this two parameters in the http header of your HTTP request:
First you have to choose the value of the a validation data by yourself. A good practice is to have at least something unique like a timestamp with float precision. You are free to add other data to make the signature more complicated.
Note that a validation data can be used only one time. If you try to use the same one a second time, the API will reject you with a 401 code (ValidationDataAlreadyUsedException).
X-Validation-Data: 1478508503.5145
Now you have to build the signature:
Example with PHP:
$xValidationData = sha1 (microtime ().rand (0, PHP_INT_MAX));
$signature = '';
if (!@openssl_sign($xValidationData, $signature, $rsaPrivateKey)) {
die ('The provided RSA private key is invalid.');
$xSignedRequest = base64_encode ($signature);
Please check our PHP SDK, it will help you to implement our API.
Be carefull
In PHP OPENSSL_ALGO_SHA1 is used as default algorithm by openssl_sign() and openssl_verify(). That means if you use an other language than PHP, make sure you use the correct signature algorithm.
Here is an exemple for NodeJS:
var crypto = require("crypto");
var signer = crypto.createSign('SHA1');
var XSignedRequest = signer.sign(privateKey, 'base64');
Once it's done, you still not able to use the API. You have to generate an OAuth2 token. To do that, just make a POST HTTP request to the following URL with the X-Validation-Data and X-Signed-Request parameters filled + the authentication information we provided to you in form-data parameter (client_id, client_secret, username, password) and also set the form-data parameter "grant_type" to "password".
Example with curl:
curl "" \
-H 'X-Validation-Data: string' \
-H 'X-Signed-Request: string' \
-d 'grant_type=password' \
-d 'client_id=string' \
-d 'client_secret=string' \
-d 'username=string' \
-d 'password=string'
If your credentials and your signature are fine, you should receive a json response with your token:
"request_id": 90402,
"type_response": "sync",
"timestamp": 1478525194.6798,
"hash": "a476623576b50ad3f2d49ae36d27b6f2e8876565e3232c04e49afeb831e1db0f",
"body": {
"access_token": "YOUR_TOKEN",
"expires_in": 3600,
"token_type": "bearer",
"refresh_token": "YOUR_REFRESH_TOKEN"
Now you can use the access token to make your requests on our API.
Example with curl:
curl "" \
-X GET \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer YOUR_TOKEN' \
-H 'X-Validation-Data: string' \
-H 'X-Signed-Request: string'
If everything is fine you should receive a json with the current date and time.
The purpose is to certify the origin of the response retrieved from the API. The string is an sha256 hash algorithm applied on the string below:
Once you have computed the string, you can compare it with the hash string displayed in the json response. If the computed hash is not equals to the displayed hash, you can not trust the response.
When you make a query, you have to specify which version of the API you want to use. The version is set in the URI like this:<version>
So if you want to call the functionality "apicheck" for the 1.0 version of the API you have to call:
Note that we are using <major>.<minor>.<bug-fix> version format but you have to specify only the major and minor part as for each incompatible changes we will create a new major or minor version.
We use several HTTP status code. Each HTTP status code is extended by several sub-code to have a bigger panel of error code and make easy the errors management.
The query succeeded.
This error will occur if some query/form-data/uri parameters are malformed or invalid.
Code | Text code |
4000010 | BadVersionFormatException |
4000011 | VersionNotSupportedException |
4000050 | DateStartGreaterThanDateEndFilterException |
4000210 | AccountInvalidParameterException |
4000220 | AccountIdenticalSrcAndDstAccountIdException |
4000230 | AccountIbanAlreadyExistsException |
4000310 | CardInvalidParameterException |
This error will occur if you supply wrong credentials/signature/not allowed IP.
Code | Text code |
4010010 | OAuth2AccessDeniedException |
4010020 | OAuth2InvalidRequestException |
4010030 | OAuth2InvalidClientException |
4010040 | OAuth2InvalidGrantException |
4010050 | OAuth2InvalidTokenException |
4010060 | IpAddressNotAllowedException |
4010070 | BadRsaSignatureException |
4010080 | ValidationDataAlreadyUsedException |
This error will occur when accounts or cards have not enough money to perform the operation.
Code | Text code |
4020210 | AccountSrcNotEnoughCreditException |
4020220 | AccountBalanceTooLowException |
4020320 | CardBalanceTooLowException |
4020321 | CardBalanceTooHighException |
This error will occur if you try to access a resource you are not allowed to handle.
Code | Text code |
4030020 | SubEnvironmentAccessDeniedException |
4030030 | FunctionalityNotAllowedException |
4030210 | AccountIdNoRightsException |
4030211 | AccountIdPartnerNoRightsException |
4030220 | AccountIbanIncompleteKYCException |
4030212 | AccountBadTypeException |
4030221 | AccountIbanNotCreatedException |
4030310 | CardAccountNoRightsException |
4030320 | CardNotActivatedException |
4030330 | CardLoadAmountTooLowException |
4030331 | CardLoadAmountTooHighException |
4030350 | CardCancelledNoActionException |
4030360 | CardBadCardTypeException |
4030365 | CardBadStatusUpdateException |
4030370 | CardAccountCannotOrderVirtualCardsException |
4030380 | CardGetPinBadCvcException |
4030390 | CardUpdateCardUpdateMissingHolderDataException |
4030410 | OrderIdNoRightsException |
This error will occur if the uri route is wrong.
Code | Text code |
4040010 | InvalidRouteException |
4040210 | AccountStatementNotFoundException |
4040310 | CardStatementNotFoundException |
4040410 | OrderNoAvailableTrackingDataException |
This error will occur if the method used (GET/POST/PUT...) is not available for the called URI.
Code | Text code |
4050010 | MethodNotAllowedException |
This error will occurs if we are unable to execute your request within a specified time
Code | Text code |
4080010 | BankingNetworkTimeoutException |
This error will occur if you reach any limitation.
Code | Text code |
4290010 | MaxQueryRateByIpReachedException |
4290020 | MaxQueryRateByFunctionalityReachedException |
4290030 | MaxQueryRateByApiUserReachedException |
4290310 | CardMaxLoadPerDayException |
4290311 | CardMaxLoadPerMonthException |
4290312 | CardMaxLoadPerYearException |
4290313 | CardMaxLoadPerFourDaysException |
4290314 | CardMaxLoadPerWeekException |
4290320 | CardLoadCapacityException |
4290330 | CardMaxAllowedOrderReachedException |
4290331 | CardMaxAllowedOrderReachedForSubAccountException |
This error will occur if you try to do something forbidden for a specific.
Code | Text code |
4510210 | AccountCreditTransferKycUploadRequiredException |
4510310 | CardCreditSingleUseUnavailableException |
4510320 | CardOrderKycUploadRequiredException |
4510330 | CardLoadKycUploadRequiredException |
This error will occur if there is something wrong on our side.
Code | Text code |
5000010 | UnknownException |
We are limiting the max allowed request you can made. See below the limitation rules:
If you reach the rate limit, you will get a 429 HTTP status code. (See HTTP status codes)
Note that the rate limiting is not enabled in the sandbox environment.
Our webhooks will send you updated data in realtime.
We will send you a json into the HTTP RAW DATA :
Send the card transactions processed.
"date":"2017-02-02 14:14:48",
Name | Type | Description |
integer | The current API request ID |
string | Will always be "async" |
object | Body of the query |
string | card_last_tx |
string | Reference of the card (ANYXXXXXXXXXX) attached to the transaction |
string | Account id attached to the transaction |
object | The transaction |
integer | Unique transaction ID |
integer | Payment mcc code of the transaction |
number | Transaction amount |
number | Transaction amount in local currency |
string | Transaction currency code |
number | Rate fx of the transaction |
number | Rate fx fee of the transaction |
string | S = Settled, C = Cancelled, P = Pending, D = Declined |
string | C = Credit, D = Debit |
number | Card balance after this transaction |
string | Transaction date |
string | Transaction description |
integer | The timestamp of the request |
string | HASH is a SHA256 value calculated by concatenating the timestamp in the data, the character "|" and your api username: SHA256(timestamp|api_username)
Send the credit transfers status update.
The json contains a list of 1 to maximum 100 credit transfers.
The updated status can changes from "In progress" to "Cancelled" or "Executed".
"body": {
"internal_id": 50000,
"sender_account_id": 1234,
"sender_account_type": "business",
"creation_date": "2020-10-23T11:04:03+02:00",
"request_date": "2020-10-23",
"execution_date": "2020-10-23",
"execution_reference": "123456789123",
"transaction_type": "ct",
"beneficiary_name": "John Smith",
"beneficiary_iban": "NL86ABNA1666412472",
"beneficiary_swift_code": "ABNCNL2A",
"reason": "Beneficiary communication message",
"status": "Executed",
"amount": "155.00",
"currency": "EUR"
Name | Type | Description |
integer | The current API request ID |
string | Will always be "async" |
object | Body of the query |
array | The credit transfers list |
object | Credit transfer object |
integer | Unique credit transfer ID |
integer | Account ID of the sender |
string | The sender account type (consumer or business) |
datetime | Credit transfer creation date time |
date | Credit transfer request date |
date | Credit transfer execution date |
date | Payment reference available only when executed |
date | Transaction type (ct = Credit Transfer or sdd = SEPA Direct Debit) |
string | Name of the beneficiary |
string | IBAN of the beneficiary |
string | Swift code of the beneficiary |
string | Beneficiary communication text |
string | Status of the credit transfer (Executed or Cancelled) |
float | Amount of the credit transfer |
string | Currency used |
Create a new oauth2 token. When you create a new token the previous one will be automatically obsolete.
curl "" \
-H 'X-Validation-Data: VALIDATION_DATA_STRING' \
-H 'X-Signed-Request: SIGNED_REQUEST_STRING' \
-d 'grant_type=string' \
-d 'client_id=string' \
-d 'client_secret=string' \
-d 'username=string' \
-d 'password=string'
php bla bla
Name | Type | Required | Description |
X-Validation-Data | string | true | A random string you generate, used to sign the query |
X-Signed-Request | string | true | This is a signature generated with your private RSA key + the X-Validation-Data string. |
Name | Type | Required | Possible values | Default | Description |
grant_type | string | true | password | The OAuth2 grant type (only the password grant type is available) | |
client_id | string | true | CLIENT_ID | The client ID we have sent to you. | |
client_secret | string | true | CLIENT_SECRET | The client secret we have sent to you. | |
username | string | true | USERNAME | The username we have sent to you. | |
password | string | true | PASSWORD | The password we have sent to you. |
Name | Type | Description |
request_id | integer | The current API request ID |
type_response | string | If this is a sync response or async response |
timestamp | number | Timestamp of the query |
hash | string | This is the timestamp visible in the response concatenated with your username and finaly hashed with sha256 algorithm. Example: sha256('1472742723.9673|YourUserName') |
body | object | Body of the query |
access_token | string | The generated access token |
expires_in | integer | The token has a validitiy of XXXX seconds |
token_type | string | We only use the Bearer token type |
refresh_token | string | "The refresh token (currently not used)" |
Check that the API connection succeed with correct credentials and RSA public key
curl -G "" \
-X GET \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer YOUR_TOKEN' \
-H 'X-Validation-Data: VALIDATION_DATA_STRING' \
php bla bla
Name | Type | Required | Description |
Authorization | string | true | The string 'Bearer ' followed by the token you got by using POST /oauth/v2/token uri. |
X-Validation-Data | string | true | A random string you generate, used to sign the query |
X-Signed-Request | string | true | This is a signature generated with your private RSA key + the X-Validation-Data string. |
Name | Type | Required | Possible values | Default | Description |
Name | Type | Description |
request_id | integer | The current API request ID |
type_response | string | If this is a sync response or async response |
timestamp | number | Timestamp of the query |
hash | string | This is the timestamp visible in the response concatenated with your username and finaly hashed with sha256 algorithm. Example: sha256('1472742723.9673|YourUserName') |
body | object | Body of the query |
date_time | string | The current date and time |
curl "" \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer YOUR_TOKEN' \
-H 'X-Validation-Data: VALIDATION_DATA_STRING' \
-H 'X-Signed-Request: SIGNED_REQUEST_STRING' \
-d 'test_param=string'
php bla bla
Name | Type | Required | Description |
Authorization | string | true | The string 'Bearer ' followed by the token you got by using POST /oauth/v2/token uri. |
X-Validation-Data | string | true | A random string you generate, used to sign the query |
X-Signed-Request | string | true | This is a signature generated with your private RSA key + the X-Validation-Data string. |
Name | Type | Required | Possible values | Default | Description |
test_param | string | false | parameter-apicheck-test-param-description |
Name | Type | Description |
request_id | integer | The current API request ID |
type_response | string | If this is a sync response or async response |
timestamp | number | Timestamp of the query |
hash | string | This is the timestamp visible in the response concatenated with your username and finaly hashed with sha256 algorithm. Example: sha256('1472742723.9673|YourUserName') |
body | object | Body of the query |
test_param | string | response-apicheck-test-parameter |
Retrieve the account list
curl -G "" \
-X GET \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer YOUR_TOKEN' \
-H 'X-Validation-Data: VALIDATION_DATA_STRING' \
-H 'X-Signed-Request: SIGNED_REQUEST_STRING' \
-d 'limit_start=integer' \
-d 'limit_number=integer'
php bla bla
Name | Type | Required | Description |
Authorization | string | true | The string 'Bearer ' followed by the token you got by using POST /oauth/v2/token uri. |
X-Validation-Data | string | true | A random string you generate, used to sign the query |
X-Signed-Request | string | true | This is a signature generated with your private RSA key + the X-Validation-Data string. |
Name | Type | Required | Possible values | Default | Description |
limit_start | integer | false | 0 | Take only items from this position. | |
limit_number | integer | false | 50 | Number of items to retrieve at once. |
Name | Type | Description |
request_id | integer | The current API request ID |
type_response | string | If this is a sync response or async response |
timestamp | number | Timestamp of the query |
hash | string | This is the timestamp visible in the response concatenated with your username and finaly hashed with sha256 algorithm. Example: sha256('1472742723.9673|YourUserName') |
body | object | Body of the query |
filters | ||
total_results | integer | The total accounts available without the limit filters |
accounts | array | Array of accounts |
acc_id | integer | The account ID of a corporation or a user. |
acc_type | string | The account type |
Create a new account, either business or individual. A cardholder must be specified for each account type.
curl "" \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer YOUR_TOKEN' \
-H 'X-Validation-Data: VALIDATION_DATA_STRING' \
-H 'X-Signed-Request: SIGNED_REQUEST_STRING' \
-d 'acc_type=string' \
-d 'acc_currency=string' \
-d 'user_gender=string' \
-d 'user_first_name=string' \
-d 'user_last_name=string' \
-d 'user_dob=string' \
-d 'user_pob=string' \
-d 'user_email=string' \
-d 'user_mobile_number=string' \
-d 'user_addr_line_1=string' \
-d 'user_addr_line_2=string' \
-d 'user_addr_zip=string' \
-d 'user_addr_city=string' \
-d 'user_addr_cc=string' \
-d 'user_nationality=string' \
-d 'corp_name=string' \
-d 'corp_regnum=string' \
-d 'corp_type=string' \
-d 'corp_activity=string' \
-d 'corp_tva=string' \
-d 'corp_addr_line_1=string' \
-d 'corp_addr_line_2=string' \
-d 'corp_addr_zip=string' \
-d 'corp_addr_city=string' \
-d 'corp_addr_cc=string'
php bla bla
Name | Type | Required | Description |
Authorization | string | true | The string 'Bearer ' followed by the token you got by using POST /oauth/v2/token uri. |
X-Validation-Data | string | true | A random string you generate, used to sign the query |
X-Signed-Request | string | true | This is a signature generated with your private RSA key + the X-Validation-Data string. |
Name | Type | Required | Possible values | Default | Description |
acc_type | string | true | Account type (business or consumer) | ||
acc_currency | string | true | Account currency code (ISO 4217) | ||
user_gender | string | true | Cardholder gender (M = Male, F = Female) | ||
user_first_name | string | true | Cardholder firstname | ||
user_last_name | string | true | Cardholder lastname | ||
user_dob | string | true | 2016-01-01 | Cardholder date of birth (YYYY-MM-DD) | |
user_pob | string | true | Cardholder place of birth | ||
user_email | string | true | Cardholder email address | ||
user_mobile_number | string | true | Cardholder phone number (international format : 33600000000) | ||
user_addr_line_1 | string | true | Cardholder address street line 1 | ||
user_addr_line_2 | string | true | Cardholder address street line 2 | ||
user_addr_zip | string | true | Cardholder address zip code | ||
user_addr_city | string | true | Cardholder address city | ||
user_addr_cc | string | true | Cardholder address country code (ISO 3166) | ||
user_nationality | string | true | Cardholder nationality (ISO 3166) | ||
corp_name | string | false | Corporation legal name | ||
corp_regnum | string | false | Corporation legal registration number | ||
corp_type | string | false | Corporation legal type (SA, EURL, ...) | ||
corp_activity | string | false | Corporation legal activity | ||
corp_tva | string | false | Corporation VAT number | ||
corp_addr_line_1 | string | false | Corporation address street line 1 | ||
corp_addr_line_2 | string | false | Corporation address street line 2 | ||
corp_addr_zip | string | false | Corporation address zip code | ||
corp_addr_city | string | false | Corporation address city | ||
corp_addr_cc | string | false | Corporation address country code (ISO 3166) |
Name | Type | Description |
request_id | integer | The current API request ID |
type_response | string | If this is a sync response or async response |
timestamp | number | Timestamp of the query |
hash | string | This is the timestamp visible in the response concatenated with your username and finaly hashed with sha256 algorithm. Example: sha256('1472742723.9673|YourUserName') |
body | object | Body of the query |
acc_type | string | The account type |
acc_id | integer | The account ID of a corporation or a user. |
Name | Type | Description |
request_id | integer | The current API request ID |
type_response | string | If this is a sync response or async response |
timestamp | number | Timestamp of the query |
hash | string | This is the timestamp visible in the response concatenated with your username and finaly hashed with sha256 algorithm. Example: sha256('1472742723.9673|YourUserName') |
body | object | Body of the query |
error | object | |
code | integer | Exception code |
message | string | Exception message |
exception | string | Exception name |
Retrieve a specific account information
curl -G "{id}" \
-X GET \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer YOUR_TOKEN' \
-H 'X-Validation-Data: VALIDATION_DATA_STRING' \
php bla bla
Name | Type | Required | Description |
Authorization | string | true | The string 'Bearer ' followed by the token you got by using POST /oauth/v2/token uri. |
X-Validation-Data | string | true | A random string you generate, used to sign the query |
X-Signed-Request | string | true | This is a signature generated with your private RSA key + the X-Validation-Data string. |
Name | Type | Required | Possible values | Default | Description |
id | integer | true | Unique ID of the current resource |
Name | Type | Description |
request_id | integer | The current API request ID |
type_response | string | If this is a sync response or async response |
timestamp | number | Timestamp of the query |
hash | string | This is the timestamp visible in the response concatenated with your username and finaly hashed with sha256 algorithm. Example: sha256('1472742723.9673|YourUserName') |
body | object | Body of the query |
acc_id | integer | The account ID of a corporation or a user. |
acc_type | string | The account ID of a corporation or a user. |
acc_currency | string | response-accounts-currency |
corp_name | string | response-accounts-corp-name |
corp_regnum | string | response-accounts-corp-regnum |
corp_type | string | response-accounts-corp-type |
corp_activity | string | response-accounts-corp-activity |
corp_tva | string | response-accounts-corp-tva |
corp_addr_1 | string | response-accounts-corp-addr1 |
corp_addr_2 | string | response-accounts-corp-addr2 |
corp_zip | string | response-accounts-corp-zip |
corp_city | string | response-accounts-corp-city |
corp_cc | string | response-accounts-corp-cc |
user_gender | string | response-accounts-user-gender ['M','F'] |
user_first_name | string | response-accounts-user-first-name |
user_last_name | string | response-accounts-user-last-name |
user_dob | string | response-accounts-user-dob |
user_pob | string | response-accounts-user-pob |
user_email | string | response-accounts-user-email |
user_mobile_number | string | response-accounts-user-number |
user_addr_1 | string | response-accounts-user-addr1 |
user_addr_2 | string | response-accounts-user-addr2 |
user_addr_zip | string | response-accounts-user-zip |
user_addr_city | string | response-accounts-user-city |
user_addr_cc | string | response-accounts-user-cc |
user_nationality | string | response-accounts-user-nationality |
Name | Type | Description |
request_id | integer | The current API request ID |
type_response | string | If this is a sync response or async response |
timestamp | number | Timestamp of the query |
hash | string | This is the timestamp visible in the response concatenated with your username and finaly hashed with sha256 algorithm. Example: sha256('1472742723.9673|YourUserName') |
body | object | Body of the query |
error | object | |
code | integer | Exception code |
message | string | Exception message |
exception | string | Exception name |
Update account informations
curl "{id}" \
-X PUT \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer YOUR_TOKEN' \
-H 'X-Validation-Data: VALIDATION_DATA_STRING' \
-H 'X-Signed-Request: SIGNED_REQUEST_STRING' \
-d 'acc_currency=string' \
-d 'user_gender=string' \
-d 'user_first_name=string' \
-d 'user_last_name=string' \
-d 'user_dob=string' \
-d 'user_pob=string' \
-d 'user_email=string' \
-d 'user_mobile_number=string' \
-d 'user_addr_line_1=string' \
-d 'user_addr_line_2=string' \
-d 'user_addr_zip=string' \
-d 'user_addr_city=string' \
-d 'user_addr_cc=string' \
-d 'user_nationality=string' \
-d 'corp_name=string' \
-d 'corp_regnum=string' \
-d 'corp_type=string' \
-d 'corp_activity=string' \
-d 'corp_tva=string' \
-d 'corp_addr_line_1=string' \
-d 'corp_addr_line_2=string' \
-d 'corp_addr_zip=string' \
-d 'corp_addr_city=string' \
-d 'corp_addr_cc=string'
php bla bla
Name | Type | Required | Description |
Authorization | string | true | The string 'Bearer ' followed by the token you got by using POST /oauth/v2/token uri. |
X-Validation-Data | string | true | A random string you generate, used to sign the query |
X-Signed-Request | string | true | This is a signature generated with your private RSA key + the X-Validation-Data string. |
Name | Type | Required | Possible values | Default | Description |
id | integer | true | Unique ID of the current resource | ||
acc_currency | string | true | Account currency code (ISO 4217) | ||
user_gender | string | true | Cardholder gender (M = Male, F = Female) | ||
user_first_name | string | true | Cardholder firstname | ||
user_last_name | string | true | Cardholder lastname | ||
user_dob | string | true | 2016-01-01 | Cardholder date of birth (YYYY-MM-DD) | |
user_pob | string | true | Cardholder place of birth | ||
user_email | string | true | Cardholder email address | ||
user_mobile_number | string | true | Cardholder phone number (international format : 33600000000) | ||
user_addr_line_1 | string | true | Cardholder address street line 1 | ||
user_addr_line_2 | string | true | Cardholder address street line 2 | ||
user_addr_zip | string | true | Cardholder address zip code | ||
user_addr_city | string | true | Cardholder address city | ||
user_addr_cc | string | true | Cardholder address country code (ISO 3166) | ||
user_nationality | string | true | Cardholder nationality (ISO 3166) | ||
corp_name | string | false | Corporation legal name | ||
corp_regnum | string | false | Corporation legal registration number | ||
corp_type | string | false | Corporation legal type (SA, EURL, ...) | ||
corp_activity | string | false | Corporation legal activity | ||
corp_tva | string | false | Corporation VAT number | ||
corp_addr_line_1 | string | false | Corporation address street line 1 | ||
corp_addr_line_2 | string | false | Corporation address street line 2 | ||
corp_addr_zip | string | false | Corporation address zip code | ||
corp_addr_city | string | false | Corporation address city | ||
corp_addr_cc | string | false | Corporation address country code (ISO 3166) |
Name | Type | Description |
request_id | integer | The current API request ID |
type_response | string | If this is a sync response or async response |
timestamp | number | Timestamp of the query |
hash | string | This is the timestamp visible in the response concatenated with your username and finaly hashed with sha256 algorithm. Example: sha256('1472742723.9673|YourUserName') |
body | object | Body of the query |
acc_type | string | The account type |
acc_id | integer | The account ID of a corporation or a user. |
Name | Type | Description |
request_id | integer | The current API request ID |
type_response | string | If this is a sync response or async response |
timestamp | number | Timestamp of the query |
hash | string | This is the timestamp visible in the response concatenated with your username and finaly hashed with sha256 algorithm. Example: sha256('1472742723.9673|YourUserName') |
body | object | Body of the query |
error | object | |
code | integer | Exception code |
message | string | Exception message |
exception | string | Exception name |
Name | Type | Description |
request_id | integer | The current API request ID |
type_response | string | If this is a sync response or async response |
timestamp | number | Timestamp of the query |
hash | string | This is the timestamp visible in the response concatenated with your username and finaly hashed with sha256 algorithm. Example: sha256('1472742723.9673|YourUserName') |
body | object | Body of the query |
error | object | |
code | integer | Exception code |
message | string | Exception message |
exception | string | Exception name |
Retrieve the balance of the current account
curl -G "{id}/balance" \
-X GET \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer YOUR_TOKEN' \
-H 'X-Validation-Data: VALIDATION_DATA_STRING' \
php bla bla
Name | Type | Required | Description |
Authorization | string | true | The string 'Bearer ' followed by the token you got by using POST /oauth/v2/token uri. |
X-Validation-Data | string | true | A random string you generate, used to sign the query |
X-Signed-Request | string | true | This is a signature generated with your private RSA key + the X-Validation-Data string. |
Name | Type | Required | Possible values | Default | Description |
id | integer | true | Unique ID of the current resource |
Name | Type | Description |
request_id | integer | The current API request ID |
type_response | string | If this is a sync response or async response |
timestamp | number | Timestamp of the query |
hash | string | This is the timestamp visible in the response concatenated with your username and finaly hashed with sha256 algorithm. Example: sha256('1472742723.9673|YourUserName') |
body | object | Body of the query |
acc_id | integer | response-accounts-corp-acc-id |
balance | number | The current balance |
Name | Type | Description |
request_id | integer | The current API request ID |
type_response | string | If this is a sync response or async response |
timestamp | number | Timestamp of the query |
hash | string | This is the timestamp visible in the response concatenated with your username and finaly hashed with sha256 algorithm. Example: sha256('1472742723.9673|YourUserName') |
body | object | Body of the query |
error | object | |
code | integer | Exception code |
message | string | Exception message |
exception | string | Exception name |
Retrieve the cards list of an account
curl -G "{id}/cards" \
-X GET \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer YOUR_TOKEN' \
-H 'X-Validation-Data: VALIDATION_DATA_STRING' \
-H 'X-Signed-Request: SIGNED_REQUEST_STRING' \
-d 'limit_start=integer' \
-d 'limit_number=integer'
php bla bla
Name | Type | Required | Description |
Authorization | string | true | The string 'Bearer ' followed by the token you got by using POST /oauth/v2/token uri. |
X-Validation-Data | string | true | A random string you generate, used to sign the query |
X-Signed-Request | string | true | This is a signature generated with your private RSA key + the X-Validation-Data string. |
Name | Type | Required | Possible values | Default | Description |
id | integer | true | Unique ID of the current resource | ||
limit_start | integer | false | 0 | Take only items from this position. | |
limit_number | integer | false | 50 | Number of items to retrieve at once. |
Name | Type | Description |
request_id | integer | The current API request ID |
type_response | string | If this is a sync response or async response |
timestamp | number | Timestamp of the query |
hash | string | This is the timestamp visible in the response concatenated with your username and finaly hashed with sha256 algorithm. Example: sha256('1472742723.9673|YourUserName') |
body | object | Body of the query |
filters | ||
acc_id | integer | response-accounts-corp-acc-id |
total_results | integer | The total cards available without the limit filters |
cards | array | List of cards |
card_ref | string | Reference of the card (ANYXXXXXXXXXX) |
status | string | Status of the card |
activation_date | string | Activation date |
balance | number | Balance of the card |
expiry_date | string | Expiration date of the card |
atm | integer | response-card-atm |
pos | integer | response-card-pos |
card_holder | object | |
gender | string | The gender of the card holder |
first_name | string | The firstname of the card holder |
last_name | string | The lastname of the card holder |
card_name | object | |
first_name | string | The firstname of the cardholder |
last_name | string | The lastname of the cardholder |
embossed | string | The embossed name displayed on the card |
Name | Type | Description |
request_id | integer | The current API request ID |
type_response | string | If this is a sync response or async response |
timestamp | number | Timestamp of the query |
hash | string | This is the timestamp visible in the response concatenated with your username and finaly hashed with sha256 algorithm. Example: sha256('1472742723.9673|YourUserName') |
body | object | Body of the query |
error | object | |
code | integer | Exception code |
message | string | Exception message |
exception | string | Exception name |
Retrieve the statements list of an account
curl -G "{id}/statements" \
-X GET \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer YOUR_TOKEN' \
-H 'X-Validation-Data: VALIDATION_DATA_STRING' \
-H 'X-Signed-Request: SIGNED_REQUEST_STRING' \
-d 'date_start=string' \
-d 'date_end=string' \
-d 'limit_start=integer' \
-d 'limit_number=integer'
php bla bla
Name | Type | Required | Description |
Authorization | string | true | The string 'Bearer ' followed by the token you got by using POST /oauth/v2/token uri. |
X-Validation-Data | string | true | A random string you generate, used to sign the query |
X-Signed-Request | string | true | This is a signature generated with your private RSA key + the X-Validation-Data string. |
Name | Type | Required | Possible values | Default | Description |
id | integer | true | Unique ID of the current resource | ||
date_start | string | false | 2016-01-01 | Add a filter to take every dated element between this date and the dateTo parameter. | |
date_end | string | false | 2016-01-01 | Add a filter to take every dated element between dateFrom parameter and this date. | |
limit_start | integer | false | 0 | Take only items from this position. | |
limit_number | integer | false | 50 | Number of items to retrieve at once. |
Name | Type | Description |
request_id | integer | The current API request ID |
type_response | string | If this is a sync response or async response |
timestamp | number | Timestamp of the query |
hash | string | This is the timestamp visible in the response concatenated with your username and finaly hashed with sha256 algorithm. Example: sha256('1472742723.9673|YourUserName') |
body | object | Body of the query |
acc_id | integer | The account ID of a corporation or a user. |
acc_type | string | The account type |
total_results | integer | The total statements number available without the limit filters |
transactions | array | |
txid | string | Transaction ID |
description | string | Statement description |
date | string | Statement date/time |
amount | number | Amount of the transaction |
type | string | The transaction type Credit/Debit |
balance | number | Balance of the card |
currency | string | Currency |
iban | array | |
iban | string | IBAN number |
swift | string | SWIFT code |
comment | string | Iban transaction comment |
status | string | Statement status |
executionDate | string | Statement execution date/time |
virtual_iban | string | The virtual IBAN number |
filters |
Name | Type | Description |
request_id | integer | The current API request ID |
type_response | string | If this is a sync response or async response |
timestamp | number | Timestamp of the query |
hash | string | This is the timestamp visible in the response concatenated with your username and finaly hashed with sha256 algorithm. Example: sha256('1472742723.9673|YourUserName') |
body | object | Body of the query |
error | object | |
code | integer | Exception code |
message | string | Exception message |
exception | string | Exception name |
Retrieve a specific account statement
curl -G "{id}/statements/{txid}" \
-X GET \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer YOUR_TOKEN' \
-H 'X-Validation-Data: VALIDATION_DATA_STRING' \
php bla bla
Name | Type | Required | Description |
Authorization | string | true | The string 'Bearer ' followed by the token you got by using POST /oauth/v2/token uri. |
X-Validation-Data | string | true | A random string you generate, used to sign the query |
X-Signed-Request | string | true | This is a signature generated with your private RSA key + the X-Validation-Data string. |
Name | Type | Required | Possible values | Default | Description |
id | integer | true | Unique ID of the current resource | ||
txid | string | true | Unique ID of the current resource |
Name | Type | Description |
request_id | integer | The current API request ID |
type_response | string | If this is a sync response or async response |
timestamp | number | Timestamp of the query |
hash | string | This is the timestamp visible in the response concatenated with your username and finaly hashed with sha256 algorithm. Example: sha256('1472742723.9673|YourUserName') |
body | object | Body of the query |
txid | string | Transaction ID |
description | string | Statement description |
date | string | Statement date/time |
amount | number | Amount of the transaction |
type | string | The transaction type Credit/Debit |
balance | number | Balance of the card |
currency | string | Currency |
iban | array | |
iban | string | IBAN number |
swift | string | SWIFT code |
comment | string | Iban transaction comment |
virtual_iban | string | The virtual IBAN number |
status | string | Statement status |
executionDate | string | Statement execution date/time |
Name | Type | Description |
request_id | integer | The current API request ID |
type_response | string | If this is a sync response or async response |
timestamp | number | Timestamp of the query |
hash | string | This is the timestamp visible in the response concatenated with your username and finaly hashed with sha256 algorithm. Example: sha256('1472742723.9673|YourUserName') |
body | object | Body of the query |
error | object | |
code | integer | Exception code |
message | string | Exception message |
exception | string | Exception name |
Name | Type | Description |
request_id | integer | The current API request ID |
type_response | string | If this is a sync response or async response |
timestamp | number | Timestamp of the query |
hash | string | This is the timestamp visible in the response concatenated with your username and finaly hashed with sha256 algorithm. Example: sha256('1472742723.9673|YourUserName') |
body | object | Body of the query |
error | object | |
code | integer | Exception code |
message | string | Exception message |
exception | string | Exception name |
Retrieve the iban statements list of an account
curl -G "{id}/iban-statements" \
-X GET \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer YOUR_TOKEN' \
-H 'X-Validation-Data: VALIDATION_DATA_STRING' \
-H 'X-Signed-Request: SIGNED_REQUEST_STRING' \
-d 'date_start=string' \
-d 'date_end=string' \
-d 'limit_start=integer' \
-d 'limit_number=integer'
php bla bla
Name | Type | Required | Description |
Authorization | string | true | The string 'Bearer ' followed by the token you got by using POST /oauth/v2/token uri. |
X-Validation-Data | string | true | A random string you generate, used to sign the query |
X-Signed-Request | string | true | This is a signature generated with your private RSA key + the X-Validation-Data string. |
Name | Type | Required | Possible values | Default | Description |
id | integer | true | Unique ID of the current resource | ||
date_start | string | false | 2016-01-01 | Add a filter to take every dated element between this date and the dateTo parameter. | |
date_end | string | false | 2016-01-01 | Add a filter to take every dated element between dateFrom parameter and this date. | |
limit_start | integer | false | 0 | Take only items from this position. | |
limit_number | integer | false | 50 | Number of items to retrieve at once. |
Name | Type | Description |
request_id | integer | The current API request ID |
type_response | string | If this is a sync response or async response |
timestamp | number | Timestamp of the query |
hash | string | This is the timestamp visible in the response concatenated with your username and finaly hashed with sha256 algorithm. Example: sha256('1472742723.9673|YourUserName') |
body | object | Body of the query |
acc_id | integer | The account ID of a corporation or a user. |
acc_type | string | The account type |
total_results | integer | The total statements number available without the limit filters |
transactions | array | |
txid | string | Transaction ID |
description | string | Statement description |
date | string | Statement date/time |
amount | number | Amount of the transaction |
type | string | The transaction type Credit/Debit |
balance | number | Balance of the card |
currency | string | Currency |
iban | array | |
iban | string | IBAN number |
swift | string | SWIFT code |
comment | string | Iban transaction comment |
status | string | Statement status |
executionDate | string | Statement execution date/time |
virtual_iban | string | The virtual IBAN number |
filters |
Name | Type | Description |
request_id | integer | The current API request ID |
type_response | string | If this is a sync response or async response |
timestamp | number | Timestamp of the query |
hash | string | This is the timestamp visible in the response concatenated with your username and finaly hashed with sha256 algorithm. Example: sha256('1472742723.9673|YourUserName') |
body | object | Body of the query |
error | object | |
code | integer | Exception code |
message | string | Exception message |
exception | string | Exception name |
Retrieve credit transfers list
curl -G "{id}/credit-transfers" \
-X GET \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer YOUR_TOKEN' \
-H 'X-Validation-Data: VALIDATION_DATA_STRING' \
php bla bla
Name | Type | Required | Description |
Authorization | string | true | The string 'Bearer ' followed by the token you got by using POST /oauth/v2/token uri. |
X-Validation-Data | string | true | A random string you generate, used to sign the query |
X-Signed-Request | string | true | This is a signature generated with your private RSA key + the X-Validation-Data string. |
Name | Type | Required | Possible values | Default | Description |
id | integer | true | Unique ID of the current resource |
Name | Type | Description |
request_id | integer | The current API request ID |
type_response | string | If this is a sync response or async response |
timestamp | number | Timestamp of the query |
hash | string | This is the timestamp visible in the response concatenated with your username and finaly hashed with sha256 algorithm. Example: sha256('1472742723.9673|YourUserName') |
body | object | Body of the query |
filters | ||
credit-transfers | array | |
internal_id | integer | A unique reference of the credit transfer |
sender_account_id | integer | The credit transfer sender account ID. |
sender_account_type | string | Account type (business or consumer) |
execution_reference | string | Unique reference of the credit transfer execution (null if not yet executed) |
transaction_type | string | The transaction type (ct = credit transfer or sdd = ) |
beneficiary_name | string | Beneficiary name |
beneficiary_iban | string | Beneficiary IBAN |
beneficiary_swift | string | Beneficiary SWIFT |
reason | string | Destination comment |
source_reason | string | Source comment |
status | string | Status of the credit transfer (In progress, To execute, Cancelled, Executed) |
amount | number | Amount to transfer |
currency | string | The currency |
creation_date | string | The credit transfer creation date |
request_date | string | The credit transfer request date |
execution_date | string | The credit transfer execution date |
Name | Type | Description |
request_id | integer | The current API request ID |
type_response | string | If this is a sync response or async response |
timestamp | number | Timestamp of the query |
hash | string | This is the timestamp visible in the response concatenated with your username and finaly hashed with sha256 algorithm. Example: sha256('1472742723.9673|YourUserName') |
body | object | Body of the query |
error | object | |
code | integer | Exception code |
message | string | Exception message |
exception | string | Exception name |
Create a credit transfer
curl "{id}/credit-transfers" \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer YOUR_TOKEN' \
-H 'X-Validation-Data: VALIDATION_DATA_STRING' \
-H 'X-Signed-Request: SIGNED_REQUEST_STRING' \
-d 'src_comment=string' \
-d 'dst_comment=string' \
-d 'dst_name=string' \
-d 'dst_iban=string' \
-d 'dst_swift=string' \
-d 'amount=number'
php bla bla
Name | Type | Required | Description |
Authorization | string | true | The string 'Bearer ' followed by the token you got by using POST /oauth/v2/token uri. |
X-Validation-Data | string | true | A random string you generate, used to sign the query |
X-Signed-Request | string | true | This is a signature generated with your private RSA key + the X-Validation-Data string. |
Name | Type | Required | Possible values | Default | Description |
id | integer | true | Unique ID of the current resource | ||
src_comment | string | true | Source comment | ||
dst_comment | string | true | Destination comment | ||
dst_name | string | true | Receiver name | ||
dst_iban | string | true | Destination iban | ||
dst_swift | string | true | Destination swift code | ||
amount | number | true | Amount to transfert (must be > 0) |
Name | Type | Description |
request_id | integer | The current API request ID |
type_response | string | If this is a sync response or async response |
timestamp | number | Timestamp of the query |
hash | string | This is the timestamp visible in the response concatenated with your username and finaly hashed with sha256 algorithm. Example: sha256('1472742723.9673|YourUserName') |
body | object | Body of the query |
internal_id | integer | A unique reference of the credit transfer |
sender_account_id | integer | The credit transfer sender account ID. |
sender_account_type | string | Account type (business or consumer) |
execution_reference | string | Unique reference of the credit transfer execution (null if not yet executed) |
transaction_type | string | The transaction type (ct = credit transfer or sdd = ) |
beneficiary_name | string | Beneficiary name |
beneficiary_iban | string | Beneficiary IBAN |
beneficiary_swift | string | Beneficiary SWIFT |
reason | string | Destination comment |
source_reason | string | Source comment |
status | string | Status of the credit transfer (In progress, To execute, Cancelled, Executed) |
amount | number | Amount to transfer |
currency | string | The currency |
creation_date | string | The credit transfer creation date |
request_date | string | The credit transfer request date |
execution_date | string | The credit transfer execution date |
Name | Type | Description |
request_id | integer | The current API request ID |
type_response | string | If this is a sync response or async response |
timestamp | number | Timestamp of the query |
hash | string | This is the timestamp visible in the response concatenated with your username and finaly hashed with sha256 algorithm. Example: sha256('1472742723.9673|YourUserName') |
body | object | Body of the query |
error | object | |
code | integer | Exception code |
message | string | Exception message |
exception | string | Exception name |
Name | Type | Description |
request_id | integer | The current API request ID |
type_response | string | If this is a sync response or async response |
timestamp | number | Timestamp of the query |
hash | string | This is the timestamp visible in the response concatenated with your username and finaly hashed with sha256 algorithm. Example: sha256('1472742723.9673|YourUserName') |
body | object | Body of the query |
error | object | |
code | integer | Exception code |
message | string | Exception message |
exception | string | Exception name |
Name | Type | Description |
request_id | integer | The current API request ID |
type_response | string | If this is a sync response or async response |
timestamp | number | Timestamp of the query |
hash | string | This is the timestamp visible in the response concatenated with your username and finaly hashed with sha256 algorithm. Example: sha256('1472742723.9673|YourUserName') |
body | object | Body of the query |
error | object | |
code | integer | Exception code |
message | string | Exception message |
exception | string | Exception name |
Download a credit transfer testimonial PDF. You can only download testimonial for executed credit transfers.
curl -G "{id}/credit-transfers/{ctid}/testimonial" \
-X GET \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer YOUR_TOKEN' \
-H 'X-Validation-Data: VALIDATION_DATA_STRING' \
php bla bla
Name | Type | Required | Description |
Authorization | string | true | The string 'Bearer ' followed by the token you got by using POST /oauth/v2/token uri. |
X-Validation-Data | string | true | A random string you generate, used to sign the query |
X-Signed-Request | string | true | This is a signature generated with your private RSA key + the X-Validation-Data string. |
Name | Type | Required | Possible values | Default | Description |
id | integer | true | Unique ID of the current resource | ||
ctid | integer | true | Unique ID of the current credit transfer |
Name | Type | Description |
Name | Type | Description |
request_id | integer | The current API request ID |
type_response | string | If this is a sync response or async response |
timestamp | number | Timestamp of the query |
hash | string | This is the timestamp visible in the response concatenated with your username and finaly hashed with sha256 algorithm. Example: sha256('1472742723.9673|YourUserName') |
body | object | Body of the query |
error | object | |
code | integer | Exception code |
message | string | Exception message |
exception | string | Exception name |
Name | Type | Description |
request_id | integer | The current API request ID |
type_response | string | If this is a sync response or async response |
timestamp | number | Timestamp of the query |
hash | string | This is the timestamp visible in the response concatenated with your username and finaly hashed with sha256 algorithm. Example: sha256('1472742723.9673|YourUserName') |
body | object | Body of the query |
error | object | |
code | integer | Exception code |
message | string | Exception message |
exception | string | Exception name |
Get a list of uploaded KYC and their status.
curl -G "{id}/kyc" \
-X GET \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer YOUR_TOKEN' \
-H 'X-Validation-Data: VALIDATION_DATA_STRING' \
php bla bla
Name | Type | Required | Description |
Authorization | string | true | The string 'Bearer ' followed by the token you got by using POST /oauth/v2/token uri. |
X-Validation-Data | string | true | A random string you generate, used to sign the query |
X-Signed-Request | string | true | This is a signature generated with your private RSA key + the X-Validation-Data string. |
Name | Type | Required | Possible values | Default | Description |
id | integer | true | Unique ID of the current resource |
Name | Type | Description |
request_id | integer | The current API request ID |
type_response | string | If this is a sync response or async response |
timestamp | number | Timestamp of the query |
hash | string | This is the timestamp visible in the response concatenated with your username and finaly hashed with sha256 algorithm. Example: sha256('1472742723.9673|YourUserName') |
body | object | Body of the query |
status | string | The account status regarding the KYC |
uploaded-kyc-status | object | The list of uploaded KYC and their latest status + other info |
accepted | array | The accepted KYC list |
type | string | The KYC type (identity, identity_back, passport...) |
url | string | URL of the uploaded KYC |
uploaded_at | string | The timestamp of the uploaded KYC |
pending | array | The pending KYC list (not yet validated) |
type | string | The KYC type (identity, identity_back, passport...) |
url | string | URL of the uploaded KYC |
uploaded_at | string | The timestamp of the uploaded KYC |
refused | array | The refused KYC list (refused after check) |
type | string | The KYC type (identity, identity_back, passport...) |
url | string | URL of the uploaded KYC |
uploaded_at | string | The timestamp of the uploaded KYC |
missing-kyc-types | array |
Name | Type | Description |
request_id | integer | The current API request ID |
type_response | string | If this is a sync response or async response |
timestamp | number | Timestamp of the query |
hash | string | This is the timestamp visible in the response concatenated with your username and finaly hashed with sha256 algorithm. Example: sha256('1472742723.9673|YourUserName') |
body | object | Body of the query |
error | object | |
code | integer | Exception code |
message | string | Exception message |
exception | string | Exception name |
Upload KYC files. You have to fill at least one parameter.
curl "{id}/kyc" \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer YOUR_TOKEN' \
-H 'X-Validation-Data: VALIDATION_DATA_STRING' \
-H 'X-Signed-Request: SIGNED_REQUEST_STRING' \
-d 'user_selfie=file' \
-d 'user_identity=file' \
-d 'user_identity_back=file' \
-d 'user_passport=file' \
-d 'user_dom_1=file' \
-d 'user_identity_host=file' \
-d 'user_identity_back_host=file' \
-d 'user_dom_host=file' \
-d 'user_affidavit=file' \
-d 'corp_status=file' \
-d 'corp_kbis=file'
php bla bla
Name | Type | Required | Description |
Authorization | string | true | The string 'Bearer ' followed by the token you got by using POST /oauth/v2/token uri. |
X-Validation-Data | string | true | A random string you generate, used to sign the query |
X-Signed-Request | string | true | This is a signature generated with your private RSA key + the X-Validation-Data string. |
Name | Type | Required | Possible values | Default | Description |
id | integer | true | Unique ID of the current resource | ||
user_selfie | file | false | Cardholder selfie | ||
user_identity | file | false | Cardholder legal id front | ||
user_identity_back | file | false | Cardholder legal id back | ||
user_passport | file | false | Cardholder passport | ||
user_dom_1 | file | false | Cardholder utility bill | ||
user_identity_host | file | false | Cardholder hosting legal id front | ||
user_identity_back_host | file | false | Cardholder hosting legal id back | ||
user_dom_host | file | false | Cardholder hosting legal utility bill | ||
user_affidavit | file | false | Cardholder affidavit if hosted by someone else | ||
corp_status | file | false | Corporation legal status files | ||
corp_kbis | file | false | Corporation legal kbis files |
Name | Type | Description |
request_id | integer | The current API request ID |
type_response | string | If this is a sync response or async response |
timestamp | number | Timestamp of the query |
hash | string | This is the timestamp visible in the response concatenated with your username and finaly hashed with sha256 algorithm. Example: sha256('1472742723.9673|YourUserName') |
body | object | Body of the query |
files_status | object | Array of files status |
user_selfie | object | Cardholder selfie |
status | integer | File status (0 = OK, 1 = Wrong file extension, 2 = Not uploaded correctly) |
error | string | Error label if in error |
user_identity | object | Cardholder front ID |
status | integer | File status (0 = OK, 1 = Wrong file extension, 2 = Not uploaded correctly) |
error | string | Error label if in error |
user_identity_back | object | Cardholder back ID |
status | integer | File status (0 = OK, 1 = Wrong file extension, 2 = Not uploaded correctly) |
error | string | Error label if in error |
user_passport | object | response-accounts-kyc-file-status-user-passport |
status | integer | File status (0 = OK, 1 = Wrong file extension, 2 = Not uploaded correctly) |
error | string | Error label if in error |
user_dom_1 | object | Cardholder bill usage |
status | integer | File status (0 = OK, 1 = Wrong file extension, 2 = Not uploaded correctly) |
error | string | Error label if in error |
user_identity_host | object | Cardholder hosting front ID |
status | integer | File status (0 = OK, 1 = Wrong file extension, 2 = Not uploaded correctly) |
error | string | Error label if in error |
user_identity_back_host | object | Cardholder hosting back ID |
status | integer | File status (0 = OK, 1 = Wrong file extension, 2 = Not uploaded correctly) |
error | string | Error label if in error |
user_dom_host | object | Cardholder hosting bill usage |
status | integer | File status (0 = OK, 1 = Wrong file extension, 2 = Not uploaded correctly) |
error | string | Error label if in error |
user_affidavit | object | Affidavit file |
status | integer | File status (0 = OK, 1 = Wrong file extension, 2 = Not uploaded correctly) |
error | string | Error label if in error |
Name | Type | Description |
request_id | integer | The current API request ID |
type_response | string | If this is a sync response or async response |
timestamp | number | Timestamp of the query |
hash | string | This is the timestamp visible in the response concatenated with your username and finaly hashed with sha256 algorithm. Example: sha256('1472742723.9673|YourUserName') |
body | object | Body of the query |
error | object | |
code | integer | Exception code |
message | string | Exception message |
exception | string | Exception name |
Name | Type | Description |
request_id | integer | The current API request ID |
type_response | string | If this is a sync response or async response |
timestamp | number | Timestamp of the query |
hash | string | This is the timestamp visible in the response concatenated with your username and finaly hashed with sha256 algorithm. Example: sha256('1472742723.9673|YourUserName') |
body | object | Body of the query |
error | object | |
code | integer | Exception code |
message | string | Exception message |
exception | string | Exception name |
Create an IBAN for this account
curl "{id}/iban" \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer YOUR_TOKEN' \
-H 'X-Validation-Data: VALIDATION_DATA_STRING' \
-H 'X-Signed-Request: SIGNED_REQUEST_STRING' \
-d 'country_code=string'
php bla bla
Name | Type | Required | Description |
Authorization | string | true | The string 'Bearer ' followed by the token you got by using POST /oauth/v2/token uri. |
X-Validation-Data | string | true | A random string you generate, used to sign the query |
X-Signed-Request | string | true | This is a signature generated with your private RSA key + the X-Validation-Data string. |
Name | Type | Required | Possible values | Default | Description |
id | integer | true | Unique ID of the current resource | ||
country_code | string | true | IBAN country code (ISO 3166) |
Name | Type | Description |
request_id | integer | The current API request ID |
type_response | string | If this is a sync response or async response |
timestamp | number | Timestamp of the query |
hash | string | This is the timestamp visible in the response concatenated with your username and finaly hashed with sha256 algorithm. Example: sha256('1472742723.9673|YourUserName') |
body | object | Body of the query |
iban | string | The IBAN string |
swift | string | The IBAN swift code |
Name | Type | Description |
request_id | integer | The current API request ID |
type_response | string | If this is a sync response or async response |
timestamp | number | Timestamp of the query |
hash | string | This is the timestamp visible in the response concatenated with your username and finaly hashed with sha256 algorithm. Example: sha256('1472742723.9673|YourUserName') |
body | object | Body of the query |
error | object | |
code | integer | Exception code |
message | string | Exception message |
exception | string | Exception name |
Name | Type | Description |
request_id | integer | The current API request ID |
type_response | string | If this is a sync response or async response |
timestamp | number | Timestamp of the query |
hash | string | This is the timestamp visible in the response concatenated with your username and finaly hashed with sha256 algorithm. Example: sha256('1472742723.9673|YourUserName') |
body | object | Body of the query |
error | object | |
code | integer | Exception code |
message | string | Exception message |
exception | string | Exception name |
Create a virtual IBAN for this account
curl "{id}/virtual-ibans" \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer YOUR_TOKEN' \
-H 'X-Validation-Data: VALIDATION_DATA_STRING' \
-H 'X-Signed-Request: SIGNED_REQUEST_STRING' \
-d 'type=string'
php bla bla
Name | Type | Required | Description |
Authorization | string | true | The string 'Bearer ' followed by the token you got by using POST /oauth/v2/token uri. |
X-Validation-Data | string | true | A random string you generate, used to sign the query |
X-Signed-Request | string | true | This is a signature generated with your private RSA key + the X-Validation-Data string. |
Name | Type | Required | Possible values | Default | Description |
id | integer | true | Unique ID of the current resource | ||
type | string | true | The type of IBAN (C: Credit, D: Debit) |
Name | Type | Description |
request_id | integer | The current API request ID |
type_response | string | If this is a sync response or async response |
timestamp | number | Timestamp of the query |
hash | string | This is the timestamp visible in the response concatenated with your username and finaly hashed with sha256 algorithm. Example: sha256('1472742723.9673|YourUserName') |
body | object | Body of the query |
iban | string | The IBAN string |
swift | string | The IBAN swift code |
type | string | The type of IBAN (C: Credit, D: Debit) |
Name | Type | Description |
request_id | integer | The current API request ID |
type_response | string | If this is a sync response or async response |
timestamp | number | Timestamp of the query |
hash | string | This is the timestamp visible in the response concatenated with your username and finaly hashed with sha256 algorithm. Example: sha256('1472742723.9673|YourUserName') |
body | object | Body of the query |
error | object | |
code | integer | Exception code |
message | string | Exception message |
exception | string | Exception name |
Name | Type | Description |
request_id | integer | The current API request ID |
type_response | string | If this is a sync response or async response |
timestamp | number | Timestamp of the query |
hash | string | This is the timestamp visible in the response concatenated with your username and finaly hashed with sha256 algorithm. Example: sha256('1472742723.9673|YourUserName') |
body | object | Body of the query |
error | object | |
code | integer | Exception code |
message | string | Exception message |
exception | string | Exception name |
Order a new Visa or Mastercard payment card. Beware, virtual cards can't be ordered by a "consumer" account type.
curl "" \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer YOUR_TOKEN' \
-H 'X-Validation-Data: VALIDATION_DATA_STRING' \
-H 'X-Signed-Request: SIGNED_REQUEST_STRING' \
-d 'acc_id=integer' \
-d 'card_name=string' \
-d 'card_type=string' \
-d 'expiry_date=string' \
-d 'amount=number' \
-d 'language=string' \
-d 'delivery_company_name=string' \
-d 'delivery_gender=string' \
-d 'delivery_first_name=string' \
-d 'delivery_last_name=string' \
-d 'delivery_addr_1=string' \
-d 'delivery_addr_2=string' \
-d 'delivery_zip=string' \
-d 'delivery_city=string' \
-d 'delivery_cc=string'
php bla bla
Name | Type | Required | Description |
Authorization | string | true | The string 'Bearer ' followed by the token you got by using POST /oauth/v2/token uri. |
X-Validation-Data | string | true | A random string you generate, used to sign the query |
X-Signed-Request | string | true | This is a signature generated with your private RSA key + the X-Validation-Data string. |
Name | Type | Required | Possible values | Default | Description |
acc_id | integer | true | Account unique identifier | ||
card_name | string | true | The name that will be displayed on the card | ||
card_type | string | false | PLASTIC, VIRTUAL_SINGLE_USE or VIRTUAL_MULTI_USE | ||
expiry_date | string | true | 2016-01-01 | Card desired expiry date | |
amount | number | true | Amount to transfert (must be > 0) | ||
language | string | true | Delivery language ("fr" or "en") | ||
delivery_company_name | string | true | Delivery address company name | ||
delivery_gender | string | true | Receiver gender | ||
delivery_first_name | string | true | Receiver firstname | ||
delivery_last_name | string | true | Receiver lastname | ||
delivery_addr_1 | string | true | Delivery address street line 1 | ||
delivery_addr_2 | string | true | Delivery address street line 2 | ||
delivery_zip | string | true | Delivery address zip code | ||
delivery_city | string | true | Delivery address city | ||
delivery_cc | string | true | Delivery address country code (ISO 3166) |
Name | Type | Description |
request_id | integer | The current API request ID |
type_response | string | If this is a sync response or async response |
timestamp | number | Timestamp of the query |
hash | string | This is the timestamp visible in the response concatenated with your username and finaly hashed with sha256 algorithm. Example: sha256('1472742723.9673|YourUserName') |
body | object | Body of the query |
order_id | integer | Unique identifier for the order |
order_status | integer | Order status (3 = order complete, 9 = card is activated for a virtual card order) |
card_ref | string | Reference of the card (ANYXXXXXXXXXX) |
Name | Type | Description |
request_id | integer | The current API request ID |
type_response | string | If this is a sync response or async response |
timestamp | number | Timestamp of the query |
hash | string | This is the timestamp visible in the response concatenated with your username and finaly hashed with sha256 algorithm. Example: sha256('1472742723.9673|YourUserName') |
body | object | Body of the query |
error | object | |
code | integer | Exception code |
message | string | Exception message |
exception | string | Exception name |
Name | Type | Description |
request_id | integer | The current API request ID |
type_response | string | If this is a sync response or async response |
timestamp | number | Timestamp of the query |
hash | string | This is the timestamp visible in the response concatenated with your username and finaly hashed with sha256 algorithm. Example: sha256('1472742723.9673|YourUserName') |
body | object | Body of the query |
error | object | |
code | integer | Exception code |
message | string | Exception message |
exception | string | Exception name |
Name | Type | Description |
request_id | integer | The current API request ID |
type_response | string | If this is a sync response or async response |
timestamp | number | Timestamp of the query |
hash | string | This is the timestamp visible in the response concatenated with your username and finaly hashed with sha256 algorithm. Example: sha256('1472742723.9673|YourUserName') |
body | object | Body of the query |
error | object | |
code | integer | Exception code |
message | string | Exception message |
exception | string | Exception name |
Name | Type | Description |
request_id | integer | The current API request ID |
type_response | string | If this is a sync response or async response |
timestamp | number | Timestamp of the query |
hash | string | This is the timestamp visible in the response concatenated with your username and finaly hashed with sha256 algorithm. Example: sha256('1472742723.9673|YourUserName') |
body | object | Body of the query |
error | object | |
code | integer | Exception code |
message | string | Exception message |
exception | string | Exception name |
Retrieve information on this payment card
curl -G "{card_ref}" \
-X GET \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer YOUR_TOKEN' \
-H 'X-Validation-Data: VALIDATION_DATA_STRING' \
php bla bla
Name | Type | Required | Description |
Authorization | string | true | The string 'Bearer ' followed by the token you got by using POST /oauth/v2/token uri. |
X-Validation-Data | string | true | A random string you generate, used to sign the query |
X-Signed-Request | string | true | This is a signature generated with your private RSA key + the X-Validation-Data string. |
Name | Type | Required | Possible values | Default | Description |
card_ref | string | true | Unique string reference for the resource |
Name | Type | Description |
request_id | integer | The current API request ID |
type_response | string | If this is a sync response or async response |
timestamp | number | Timestamp of the query |
hash | string | This is the timestamp visible in the response concatenated with your username and finaly hashed with sha256 algorithm. Example: sha256('1472742723.9673|YourUserName') |
body | object | Body of the query |
acc_id | integer | The account ID of a corporation or a user. |
card_ref | string | Reference of the card (ANYXXXXXXXXXX) |
activation_date | string | Activation date |
balance | number | Balance of the card |
validity_month | integer | Card validity |
expiry_date | string | Expiration date of the card |
status | string | Status of the card |
pos | boolean | Authorize or block point of sales payments |
atm | boolean | Authorize or block ATM withdrawals |
card_holder | object | |
gender | string | The gender of the card holder |
first_name | string | The firstname of the card holder |
last_name | string | The lastname of the card holder |
card_name | object | |
first_name | string | The firstname of the cardholder |
last_name | string | The lastname of the cardholder |
embossed | string | The embossed name displayed on the card |
Name | Type | Description |
request_id | integer | The current API request ID |
type_response | string | If this is a sync response or async response |
timestamp | number | Timestamp of the query |
hash | string | This is the timestamp visible in the response concatenated with your username and finaly hashed with sha256 algorithm. Example: sha256('1472742723.9673|YourUserName') |
body | object | Body of the query |
error | object | |
code | integer | Exception code |
message | string | Exception message |
exception | string | Exception name |
Update card info
curl "{card_ref}" \
-X PUT \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer YOUR_TOKEN' \
-H 'X-Validation-Data: VALIDATION_DATA_STRING' \
-H 'X-Signed-Request: SIGNED_REQUEST_STRING' \
-d 'card_status=string' \
-d 'card_pos=integer' \
-d 'card_atm=integer' \
-d 'card_renew=integer'
php bla bla
Name | Type | Required | Description |
Authorization | string | true | The string 'Bearer ' followed by the token you got by using POST /oauth/v2/token uri. |
X-Validation-Data | string | true | A random string you generate, used to sign the query |
X-Signed-Request | string | true | This is a signature generated with your private RSA key + the X-Validation-Data string. |
Name | Type | Required | Possible values | Default | Description |
card_ref | string | true | Unique string reference for the resource | ||
card_status | string | false | STO = stolen, LOS = lost, DAM = damaged, CAN = cancelled, ACT = activated, BLO = blocked | ||
card_pos | integer | false | 1 = allow point of sales payments, 0 = block point of sales payments | ||
card_atm | integer | false | 1 = allow atm withdrawal, 0 = block atm withdrawal | ||
card_renew | integer | false | 1 = renew this card, 0 = do not renew this card |
Name | Type | Description |
request_id | integer | The current API request ID |
type_response | string | If this is a sync response or async response |
timestamp | number | Timestamp of the query |
hash | string | This is the timestamp visible in the response concatenated with your username and finaly hashed with sha256 algorithm. Example: sha256('1472742723.9673|YourUserName') |
body | object | Body of the query |
card_ref | string | Reference of the card (ANYXXXXXXXXXX) |
status | integer | Status of the card |
pos | integer | Authorize or block point of sales payments |
atm | integer | Authorize or block ATM withdrawals |
renew | integer | This card needs to be renewed |
Name | Type | Description |
request_id | integer | The current API request ID |
type_response | string | If this is a sync response or async response |
timestamp | number | Timestamp of the query |
hash | string | This is the timestamp visible in the response concatenated with your username and finaly hashed with sha256 algorithm. Example: sha256('1472742723.9673|YourUserName') |
body | object | Body of the query |
error | object | |
code | integer | Exception code |
message | string | Exception message |
exception | string | Exception name |
Name | Type | Description |
request_id | integer | The current API request ID |
type_response | string | If this is a sync response or async response |
timestamp | number | Timestamp of the query |
hash | string | This is the timestamp visible in the response concatenated with your username and finaly hashed with sha256 algorithm. Example: sha256('1472742723.9673|YourUserName') |
body | object | Body of the query |
error | object | |
code | integer | Exception code |
message | string | Exception message |
exception | string | Exception name |
Get all cards transactions
curl -G "{card_ref}/transactions" \
-X GET \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer YOUR_TOKEN' \
-H 'X-Validation-Data: VALIDATION_DATA_STRING' \
-H 'X-Signed-Request: SIGNED_REQUEST_STRING' \
-d 'date_start=string' \
-d 'date_end=string' \
-d 'limit_start=integer' \
-d 'limit_number=integer'
php bla bla
Name | Type | Required | Description |
Authorization | string | true | The string 'Bearer ' followed by the token you got by using POST /oauth/v2/token uri. |
X-Validation-Data | string | true | A random string you generate, used to sign the query |
X-Signed-Request | string | true | This is a signature generated with your private RSA key + the X-Validation-Data string. |
Name | Type | Required | Possible values | Default | Description |
card_ref | string | true | Unique string reference for the resource | ||
date_start | string | false | 2016-01-01 | Add a filter to take every dated element between this date and the dateTo parameter. | |
date_end | string | false | 2016-01-01 | Add a filter to take every dated element between dateFrom parameter and this date. | |
limit_start | integer | false | 0 | Take only items from this position. | |
limit_number | integer | false | 50 | Number of items to retrieve at once. |
Name | Type | Description |
request_id | integer | The current API request ID |
type_response | string | If this is a sync response or async response |
timestamp | number | Timestamp of the query |
hash | string | This is the timestamp visible in the response concatenated with your username and finaly hashed with sha256 algorithm. Example: sha256('1472742723.9673|YourUserName') |
body | object | Body of the query |
filters | ||
card_ref | string | Reference of the card (ANYXXXXXXXXXX) |
acc_id | integer | The account ID of a corporation or a user. |
total_results | integer | The total transactions number available with no date or limit filter |
transactions | array | Card transaction list |
txid | integer | Unique transaction ID |
mcc | integer | Payment mcc code of the transaction |
amount | number | Transaction amount |
amount_fx | number | Transaction amount in local currency |
currency | string | Transaction currency code |
fx | number | Rate fx of the transaction |
fx_fee | number | Rate fx fee of the transaction |
vat_details | array | The VAT details of this transaction |
rate | number | The VAT rate |
amount | number | The VAT amount with the rate applied |
failed_reason | array | Fail reason of the transaction (if failed). List of error codes: - TRS0002: Expired card - TRS9999: System malfunction - TRS9998: Something is wronguration error - TRS0214: Wallet not recognised - TRS0213: Transaction acceptance method not allowed - TRS0212: Transaction not allowed in promotion - TRS0211: Transaction promotion window not open - TRS0210: Mastercard MoneySend payment not supported - TRS0209: Mastercard MoneySend funding not supported - TRS0208: Declined due to potential fraud - TRS0206: Transaction date not allowed - TRS0205: Invalid bank account - TRS0204: Bank account not active - TRS0203: Declined Second Presentment - TRS0202: Transaction in shared Something is wrong declined - TRS0201: Unknown destination currency - TRS0200: Invalid timestamp - TRS0199: Invalid entity timestamp - TRS0198: External reference already used - TRS0197: Yearly transfer limit exceeded - TRS0196: CVC3 max retries exceeded - TRS0195: CVC2 max retries exceeded - TRS0194: CVC1 max retries exceeded - TRS0193: Max txn count exceeded - TRS0191: Unknown Merchant Group - TRS0188: Txn amount invalid - TRS0187: Topup history limit exceeded - TRS0178: Pre-authorisation write-off - TRS0176: Txn velocity exceeded - TRS0175: Txn category not allowed - TRS0174: Txn time not allowed - TRS0171: Manual processing d - TRS0170: Declined concurrent transaction - TRS0169: External response pending - TRS0167: Invalid acceptor country code - TRS0165: Account not Something is wrongured - TRS0164: Transfer decline - TRS0163: External decline - TRS0159: Terminal status invalid - TRS0158: Message invalid - TRS0157: Expiry date in future - TRS0152: Decline advice - TRS0129: Weekly fixed period limit 2 exceeded - TRS0128: Weekly fixed period limit exceeded - TRS0123: Daily fixed period limit 2 exceeded - TRS0122: Daily fixed period limit exceeded - TRS0110: PIN validation not possible - TRS0109: Chip ARQC validation failed - TRS0107: Chip App Counter mismatch - TRS0105: Chip terminal PIN not entered - TRS0104: Chip terminal PIN pad faulty - TRS0103: Chip terminal PIN limit exceeded - TRS0101: Chip terminal cardholder verification failure - TRS0100: CVC3 invalid - TRS0099: Blocked account - TRS0098: Invalid product purchased - TRS0097: Unknown currency conversion - TRS0096: Unknown store and currency - TRS0093: Invalid card sequence number - TRS0092: AML single redemption limit exceeded - TRS0090: Yearly cash spend limit exceeded - TRS0089: Yearly total spend limit exceeded - TRS0088: Merchant blocked - TRS0086: Account already activated - TRS0085: Recurring txn not allowed - TRS0084: Txn type not allowed - TRS0082: Invalid merchant category - TRS0080: Inactive batch - TRS0075: Product class not enabled for scheme - TRS0074: Cashback not allowed - TRS0060: Original transaction amount exceeded - TRS0058: Original transaction not found - TRS0053: Voucher not found - TRS0052: Voucher already used - TRS0051: Merchant name blocked - TRS0050: Merchant id blocked - TRS0049: Merchant category blocked - TRS0048: Merchant not d - TRS0046: Account obsolete - TRS0045: Balance not found for code - TRS0043: Account not active - TRS0041: Card has no account - TRS0038: Incorrect activation code - TRS0037: Damaged card - TRS0036: Card already activated - TRS0035: Card not active - TRS0031: Blocked card - TRS0028: Out of sequence - TRS0027: Already blocked - TRS0026: Cannot unblock - TRS0025: Balance over max limit - TRS0024: Invalid track data - TRS0023: Txn amount too big - TRS0022: Txn amount too small - TRS0021: Invalid currency - TRS0020: CVC1 invalid - TRS0019: CVC2 invalid - TRS0018: PIN – Max tries exceeded - TRS0017: Incorrect PIN - Max tries exceeded - TRS0016: Incorrect PIN - TRS0015: Exceeds withdrawal amount limit - TRS0011: Duplicate transmission - TRS0010: Not sufficient funds - TRS0005: Lost card - TRS0004: Stolen card - TRS0003: Invalid card number |
code | string | Fail code |
message | string | Details about the failure |
status | string | S = Settled, C = Cancelled, P = Pending, D = Declined |
type | string | C = Credit, D = Debit |
balance_after | number | Card balance after this transaction |
date | string | Transaction processed date |
date_transaction | string | Transaction date |
description | string | Transaction description |
Name | Type | Description |
request_id | integer | The current API request ID |
type_response | string | If this is a sync response or async response |
timestamp | number | Timestamp of the query |
hash | string | This is the timestamp visible in the response concatenated with your username and finaly hashed with sha256 algorithm. Example: sha256('1472742723.9673|YourUserName') |
body | object | Body of the query |
error | object | |
code | integer | Exception code |
message | string | Exception message |
exception | string | Exception name |
Get transaction details of a specific transaction
curl -G "{card_ref}/transactions/{txid}" \
-X GET \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer YOUR_TOKEN' \
-H 'X-Validation-Data: VALIDATION_DATA_STRING' \
php bla bla
Name | Type | Required | Description |
Authorization | string | true | The string 'Bearer ' followed by the token you got by using POST /oauth/v2/token uri. |
X-Validation-Data | string | true | A random string you generate, used to sign the query |
X-Signed-Request | string | true | This is a signature generated with your private RSA key + the X-Validation-Data string. |
Name | Type | Required | Possible values | Default | Description |
card_ref | string | true | Unique string reference for the resource | ||
txid | string | true | Unique ID of the current resource |
Name | Type | Description |
request_id | integer | The current API request ID |
type_response | string | If this is a sync response or async response |
timestamp | number | Timestamp of the query |
hash | string | This is the timestamp visible in the response concatenated with your username and finaly hashed with sha256 algorithm. Example: sha256('1472742723.9673|YourUserName') |
body | object | Body of the query |
txid | integer | Unique transaction ID |
mcc | integer | Payment mcc code of the transaction |
amount | number | Transaction amount |
amount_fx | number | Transaction amount in local currency |
currency | string | Transaction currency code |
fx | number | Rate fx of the transaction |
fx_fee | number | Rate fx fee of the transaction |
vat_details | array | The VAT details of this transaction |
rate | number | The VAT rate |
amount | number | The VAT amount with the rate applied |
failed_reason | array | Fail reason of the transaction (if failed). List of error codes: - TRS0002: Expired card - TRS9999: System malfunction - TRS9998: Something is wronguration error - TRS0214: Wallet not recognised - TRS0213: Transaction acceptance method not allowed - TRS0212: Transaction not allowed in promotion - TRS0211: Transaction promotion window not open - TRS0210: Mastercard MoneySend payment not supported - TRS0209: Mastercard MoneySend funding not supported - TRS0208: Declined due to potential fraud - TRS0206: Transaction date not allowed - TRS0205: Invalid bank account - TRS0204: Bank account not active - TRS0203: Declined Second Presentment - TRS0202: Transaction in shared Something is wrong declined - TRS0201: Unknown destination currency - TRS0200: Invalid timestamp - TRS0199: Invalid entity timestamp - TRS0198: External reference already used - TRS0197: Yearly transfer limit exceeded - TRS0196: CVC3 max retries exceeded - TRS0195: CVC2 max retries exceeded - TRS0194: CVC1 max retries exceeded - TRS0193: Max txn count exceeded - TRS0191: Unknown Merchant Group - TRS0188: Txn amount invalid - TRS0187: Topup history limit exceeded - TRS0178: Pre-authorisation write-off - TRS0176: Txn velocity exceeded - TRS0175: Txn category not allowed - TRS0174: Txn time not allowed - TRS0171: Manual processing d - TRS0170: Declined concurrent transaction - TRS0169: External response pending - TRS0167: Invalid acceptor country code - TRS0165: Account not Something is wrongured - TRS0164: Transfer decline - TRS0163: External decline - TRS0159: Terminal status invalid - TRS0158: Message invalid - TRS0157: Expiry date in future - TRS0152: Decline advice - TRS0129: Weekly fixed period limit 2 exceeded - TRS0128: Weekly fixed period limit exceeded - TRS0123: Daily fixed period limit 2 exceeded - TRS0122: Daily fixed period limit exceeded - TRS0110: PIN validation not possible - TRS0109: Chip ARQC validation failed - TRS0107: Chip App Counter mismatch - TRS0105: Chip terminal PIN not entered - TRS0104: Chip terminal PIN pad faulty - TRS0103: Chip terminal PIN limit exceeded - TRS0101: Chip terminal cardholder verification failure - TRS0100: CVC3 invalid - TRS0099: Blocked account - TRS0098: Invalid product purchased - TRS0097: Unknown currency conversion - TRS0096: Unknown store and currency - TRS0093: Invalid card sequence number - TRS0092: AML single redemption limit exceeded - TRS0090: Yearly cash spend limit exceeded - TRS0089: Yearly total spend limit exceeded - TRS0088: Merchant blocked - TRS0086: Account already activated - TRS0085: Recurring txn not allowed - TRS0084: Txn type not allowed - TRS0082: Invalid merchant category - TRS0080: Inactive batch - TRS0075: Product class not enabled for scheme - TRS0074: Cashback not allowed - TRS0060: Original transaction amount exceeded - TRS0058: Original transaction not found - TRS0053: Voucher not found - TRS0052: Voucher already used - TRS0051: Merchant name blocked - TRS0050: Merchant id blocked - TRS0049: Merchant category blocked - TRS0048: Merchant not d - TRS0046: Account obsolete - TRS0045: Balance not found for code - TRS0043: Account not active - TRS0041: Card has no account - TRS0038: Incorrect activation code - TRS0037: Damaged card - TRS0036: Card already activated - TRS0035: Card not active - TRS0031: Blocked card - TRS0028: Out of sequence - TRS0027: Already blocked - TRS0026: Cannot unblock - TRS0025: Balance over max limit - TRS0024: Invalid track data - TRS0023: Txn amount too big - TRS0022: Txn amount too small - TRS0021: Invalid currency - TRS0020: CVC1 invalid - TRS0019: CVC2 invalid - TRS0018: PIN – Max tries exceeded - TRS0017: Incorrect PIN - Max tries exceeded - TRS0016: Incorrect PIN - TRS0015: Exceeds withdrawal amount limit - TRS0011: Duplicate transmission - TRS0010: Not sufficient funds - TRS0005: Lost card - TRS0004: Stolen card - TRS0003: Invalid card number |
code | string | Fail code |
message | string | Details about the failure |
status | string | S = Settled, C = Cancelled, P = Pending, D = Declined |
type | string | C = Credit, D = Debit |
balance_after | number | Card balance after this transaction |
date | string | Transaction processed date |
date_transaction | string | Transaction date |
description | string | Transaction description |
Name | Type | Description |
request_id | integer | The current API request ID |
type_response | string | If this is a sync response or async response |
timestamp | number | Timestamp of the query |
hash | string | This is the timestamp visible in the response concatenated with your username and finaly hashed with sha256 algorithm. Example: sha256('1472742723.9673|YourUserName') |
body | object | Body of the query |
error | object | |
code | integer | Exception code |
message | string | Exception message |
exception | string | Exception name |
Name | Type | Description |
request_id | integer | The current API request ID |
type_response | string | If this is a sync response or async response |
timestamp | number | Timestamp of the query |
hash | string | This is the timestamp visible in the response concatenated with your username and finaly hashed with sha256 algorithm. Example: sha256('1472742723.9673|YourUserName') |
body | object | Body of the query |
error | object | |
code | integer | Exception code |
message | string | Exception message |
exception | string | Exception name |
As the transaction is not processed instantly, the response you get is not the final response containing the transaction information. This one will be sent asynchronously to the webhook you have defined in your API account configuration. For more details about the response format please check the webhook section in the API documentation.
curl "{card_ref}/credit" \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer YOUR_TOKEN' \
-H 'X-Validation-Data: VALIDATION_DATA_STRING' \
-H 'X-Signed-Request: SIGNED_REQUEST_STRING' \
-d 'amount=number' \
-d 'acc_comment=string' \
-d 'card_comment=string'
php bla bla
Name | Type | Required | Description |
Authorization | string | true | The string 'Bearer ' followed by the token you got by using POST /oauth/v2/token uri. |
X-Validation-Data | string | true | A random string you generate, used to sign the query |
X-Signed-Request | string | true | This is a signature generated with your private RSA key + the X-Validation-Data string. |
Name | Type | Required | Possible values | Default | Description |
card_ref | string | true | Unique string reference for the resource | ||
amount | number | true | Amount to transfert (must be > 0) | ||
acc_comment | string | true | Comment to link to the account | ||
card_comment | string | true | Comment to link to the card |
Name | Type | Description |
request_id | integer | The current API request ID |
type_response | string | If this is a sync response or async response |
timestamp | number | Timestamp of the query |
hash | string | This is the timestamp visible in the response concatenated with your username and finaly hashed with sha256 algorithm. Example: sha256('1472742723.9673|YourUserName') |
body | object | Body of the query |
card_ref | string | Reference of the card (ANYXXXXXXXXXX) |
acc_id | integer | Card account ID |
transaction_id | integer | Unique transaction ID (only in sandbox) |
Name | Type | Description |
request_id | integer | The current API request ID |
type_response | string | If this is a sync response or async response |
timestamp | number | Timestamp of the query |
hash | string | This is the timestamp visible in the response concatenated with your username and finaly hashed with sha256 algorithm. Example: sha256('1472742723.9673|YourUserName') |
body | object | Body of the query |
error | object | |
code | integer | Exception code |
message | string | Exception message |
exception | string | Exception name |
Name | Type | Description |
request_id | integer | The current API request ID |
type_response | string | If this is a sync response or async response |
timestamp | number | Timestamp of the query |
hash | string | This is the timestamp visible in the response concatenated with your username and finaly hashed with sha256 algorithm. Example: sha256('1472742723.9673|YourUserName') |
body | object | Body of the query |
error | object | |
code | integer | Exception code |
message | string | Exception message |
exception | string | Exception name |
Name | Type | Description |
request_id | integer | The current API request ID |
type_response | string | If this is a sync response or async response |
timestamp | number | Timestamp of the query |
hash | string | This is the timestamp visible in the response concatenated with your username and finaly hashed with sha256 algorithm. Example: sha256('1472742723.9673|YourUserName') |
body | object | Body of the query |
error | object | |
code | integer | Exception code |
message | string | Exception message |
exception | string | Exception name |
Name | Type | Description |
request_id | integer | The current API request ID |
type_response | string | If this is a sync response or async response |
timestamp | number | Timestamp of the query |
hash | string | This is the timestamp visible in the response concatenated with your username and finaly hashed with sha256 algorithm. Example: sha256('1472742723.9673|YourUserName') |
body | object | Body of the query |
error | object | |
code | integer | Exception code |
message | string | Exception message |
exception | string | Exception name |
Name | Type | Description |
request_id | integer | The current API request ID |
type_response | string | If this is a sync response or async response |
timestamp | number | Timestamp of the query |
hash | string | This is the timestamp visible in the response concatenated with your username and finaly hashed with sha256 algorithm. Example: sha256('1472742723.9673|YourUserName') |
body | object | Body of the query |
error | object | |
code | integer | Exception code |
message | string | Exception message |
exception | string | Exception name |
As the transaction is not processed instantly, the response you get is not the final response containing the transaction information. This one will be sent asynchronously to the webhook you have defined in your API account configuration. For more details about the response format please check the webhook section in the API documentation.
curl "{card_ref}/debit" \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer YOUR_TOKEN' \
-H 'X-Validation-Data: VALIDATION_DATA_STRING' \
-H 'X-Signed-Request: SIGNED_REQUEST_STRING' \
-d 'amount=number' \
-d 'acc_comment=string' \
-d 'card_comment=string'
php bla bla
Name | Type | Required | Description |
Authorization | string | true | The string 'Bearer ' followed by the token you got by using POST /oauth/v2/token uri. |
X-Validation-Data | string | true | A random string you generate, used to sign the query |
X-Signed-Request | string | true | This is a signature generated with your private RSA key + the X-Validation-Data string. |
Name | Type | Required | Possible values | Default | Description |
card_ref | string | true | Unique string reference for the resource | ||
amount | number | true | Amount to transfert (must be > 0) | ||
acc_comment | string | true | Comment to link to the account | ||
card_comment | string | true | Comment to link to the card |
Name | Type | Description |
request_id | integer | The current API request ID |
type_response | string | If this is a sync response or async response |
timestamp | number | Timestamp of the query |
hash | string | This is the timestamp visible in the response concatenated with your username and finaly hashed with sha256 algorithm. Example: sha256('1472742723.9673|YourUserName') |
body | object | Body of the query |
card_ref | string | Reference of the card (ANYXXXXXXXXXX) |
acc_id | integer | Card account ID |
transaction_id | integer | Unique transaction ID (only in sandbox) |
Name | Type | Description |
request_id | integer | The current API request ID |
type_response | string | If this is a sync response or async response |
timestamp | number | Timestamp of the query |
hash | string | This is the timestamp visible in the response concatenated with your username and finaly hashed with sha256 algorithm. Example: sha256('1472742723.9673|YourUserName') |
body | object | Body of the query |
error | object | |
code | integer | Exception code |
message | string | Exception message |
exception | string | Exception name |
Name | Type | Description |
request_id | integer | The current API request ID |
type_response | string | If this is a sync response or async response |
timestamp | number | Timestamp of the query |
hash | string | This is the timestamp visible in the response concatenated with your username and finaly hashed with sha256 algorithm. Example: sha256('1472742723.9673|YourUserName') |
body | object | Body of the query |
error | object | |
code | integer | Exception code |
message | string | Exception message |
exception | string | Exception name |
Name | Type | Description |
request_id | integer | The current API request ID |
type_response | string | If this is a sync response or async response |
timestamp | number | Timestamp of the query |
hash | string | This is the timestamp visible in the response concatenated with your username and finaly hashed with sha256 algorithm. Example: sha256('1472742723.9673|YourUserName') |
body | object | Body of the query |
error | object | |
code | integer | Exception code |
message | string | Exception message |
exception | string | Exception name |
Get pin code of a card
curl -G "{card_ref}/pin" \
-X GET \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer YOUR_TOKEN' \
-H 'X-Validation-Data: VALIDATION_DATA_STRING' \
-H 'X-Signed-Request: SIGNED_REQUEST_STRING' \
-d 'cvc=string'
php bla bla
Name | Type | Required | Description |
Authorization | string | true | The string 'Bearer ' followed by the token you got by using POST /oauth/v2/token uri. |
X-Validation-Data | string | true | A random string you generate, used to sign the query |
X-Signed-Request | string | true | This is a signature generated with your private RSA key + the X-Validation-Data string. |
Name | Type | Required | Possible values | Default | Description |
cvc | string | true | 000 | The CVC number of the card (3 last digits of the number printed on the back). In SANDBOX environment you have to use the code '000' as a valid CVC Code, all others CVC codes will make the request return a 403 response 'CardGetPinBadCvcException'. | |
card_ref | string | true | Unique string reference for the resource |
Name | Type | Description |
request_id | integer | The current API request ID |
type_response | string | If this is a sync response or async response |
timestamp | number | Timestamp of the query |
hash | string | This is the timestamp visible in the response concatenated with your username and finaly hashed with sha256 algorithm. Example: sha256('1472742723.9673|YourUserName') |
body | object | Body of the query |
pin | string | The card pin code. |
Name | Type | Description |
request_id | integer | The current API request ID |
type_response | string | If this is a sync response or async response |
timestamp | number | Timestamp of the query |
hash | string | This is the timestamp visible in the response concatenated with your username and finaly hashed with sha256 algorithm. Example: sha256('1472742723.9673|YourUserName') |
body | object | Body of the query |
error | object | |
code | integer | Exception code |
message | string | Exception message |
exception | string | Exception name |
Text new pin to cardholder
curl "{card_ref}/pin" \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer YOUR_TOKEN' \
-H 'X-Validation-Data: VALIDATION_DATA_STRING' \
php bla bla
Name | Type | Required | Description |
Authorization | string | true | The string 'Bearer ' followed by the token you got by using POST /oauth/v2/token uri. |
X-Validation-Data | string | true | A random string you generate, used to sign the query |
X-Signed-Request | string | true | This is a signature generated with your private RSA key + the X-Validation-Data string. |
Name | Type | Required | Possible values | Default | Description |
card_ref | string | true | Unique string reference for the resource |
Name | Type | Description |
request_id | integer | The current API request ID |
type_response | string | If this is a sync response or async response |
timestamp | number | Timestamp of the query |
hash | string | This is the timestamp visible in the response concatenated with your username and finaly hashed with sha256 algorithm. Example: sha256('1472742723.9673|YourUserName') |
body | object | Body of the query |
acc_id | integer | The account ID of a corporation or a user. |
card_ref | string | Reference of the card (ANYXXXXXXXXXX) |
Name | Type | Description |
request_id | integer | The current API request ID |
type_response | string | If this is a sync response or async response |
timestamp | number | Timestamp of the query |
hash | string | This is the timestamp visible in the response concatenated with your username and finaly hashed with sha256 algorithm. Example: sha256('1472742723.9673|YourUserName') |
body | object | Body of the query |
error | object | |
code | integer | Exception code |
message | string | Exception message |
exception | string | Exception name |
Name | Type | Description |
request_id | integer | The current API request ID |
type_response | string | If this is a sync response or async response |
timestamp | number | Timestamp of the query |
hash | string | This is the timestamp visible in the response concatenated with your username and finaly hashed with sha256 algorithm. Example: sha256('1472742723.9673|YourUserName') |
body | object | Body of the query |
error | object | |
code | integer | Exception code |
message | string | Exception message |
exception | string | Exception name |
For virtual cards multi use: Returns the front and back picture of the card. For virtual cards single use: Returns the pan, cvv, and expiry date. This API works only with virtual cards. If you try to use it with a physical card, you will get an error.
curl -G "{card_ref}/pan" \
-X GET \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer YOUR_TOKEN' \
-H 'X-Validation-Data: VALIDATION_DATA_STRING' \
php bla bla
Name | Type | Required | Description |
Authorization | string | true | The string 'Bearer ' followed by the token you got by using POST /oauth/v2/token uri. |
X-Validation-Data | string | true | A random string you generate, used to sign the query |
X-Signed-Request | string | true | This is a signature generated with your private RSA key + the X-Validation-Data string. |
Name | Type | Required | Possible values | Default | Description |
card_ref | string | true | Unique string reference for the resource |
Name | Type | Description |
request_id | integer | The current API request ID |
type_response | string | If this is a sync response or async response |
timestamp | number | Timestamp of the query |
hash | string | This is the timestamp visible in the response concatenated with your username and finaly hashed with sha256 algorithm. Example: sha256('1472742723.9673|YourUserName') |
body | object | Body of the query |
front | string | Front picture of the card |
back | string | Back picture of the card |
expiry_date | string | Expiry date |
pan | string | The PAN number |
cvv | string | The CVV number |
Name | Type | Description |
request_id | integer | The current API request ID |
type_response | string | If this is a sync response or async response |
timestamp | number | Timestamp of the query |
hash | string | This is the timestamp visible in the response concatenated with your username and finaly hashed with sha256 algorithm. Example: sha256('1472742723.9673|YourUserName') |
body | object | Body of the query |
error | object | |
code | integer | Exception code |
message | string | Exception message |
exception | string | Exception name |
Name | Type | Description |
request_id | integer | The current API request ID |
type_response | string | If this is a sync response or async response |
timestamp | number | Timestamp of the query |
hash | string | This is the timestamp visible in the response concatenated with your username and finaly hashed with sha256 algorithm. Example: sha256('1472742723.9673|YourUserName') |
body | object | Body of the query |
error | object | |
code | integer | Exception code |
message | string | Exception message |
exception | string | Exception name |
Text or email the PAN of a virtual single use card to cardholder
curl "{card_ref}/pan" \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer YOUR_TOKEN' \
-H 'X-Validation-Data: VALIDATION_DATA_STRING' \
-H 'X-Signed-Request: SIGNED_REQUEST_STRING' \
-d 'dest_method=string' \
-d 'dest_value=string'
php bla bla
Name | Type | Required | Description |
Authorization | string | true | The string 'Bearer ' followed by the token you got by using POST /oauth/v2/token uri. |
X-Validation-Data | string | true | A random string you generate, used to sign the query |
X-Signed-Request | string | true | This is a signature generated with your private RSA key + the X-Validation-Data string. |
Name | Type | Required | Possible values | Default | Description |
card_ref | string | true | Unique string reference for the resource | ||
dest_method | string | true | The notification method to use (email, sms...) | ||
dest_value | string | true ||33600000000 | The destination value depending of the destination method. If method = email, enter a valid email address. If method = sms, enter a valid international phone number containing digits only. |
Name | Type | Description |
request_id | integer | The current API request ID |
type_response | string | If this is a sync response or async response |
timestamp | number | Timestamp of the query |
hash | string | This is the timestamp visible in the response concatenated with your username and finaly hashed with sha256 algorithm. Example: sha256('1472742723.9673|YourUserName') |
body | object | Body of the query |
state | string | State of the request. |
Name | Type | Description |
request_id | integer | The current API request ID |
type_response | string | If this is a sync response or async response |
timestamp | number | Timestamp of the query |
hash | string | This is the timestamp visible in the response concatenated with your username and finaly hashed with sha256 algorithm. Example: sha256('1472742723.9673|YourUserName') |
body | object | Body of the query |
error | object | |
code | integer | Exception code |
message | string | Exception message |
exception | string | Exception name |
Send card detail through a link to the final customer
curl "{card_ref}/details-display" \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer YOUR_TOKEN' \
-H 'X-Validation-Data: VALIDATION_DATA_STRING' \
-H 'X-Signed-Request: SIGNED_REQUEST_STRING' \
-d 'ip=string'
php bla bla
Name | Type | Required | Description |
Authorization | string | true | The string 'Bearer ' followed by the token you got by using POST /oauth/v2/token uri. |
X-Validation-Data | string | true | A random string you generate, used to sign the query |
X-Signed-Request | string | true | This is a signature generated with your private RSA key + the X-Validation-Data string. |
Name | Type | Required | Possible values | Default | Description |
card_ref | string | true | Unique string reference for the resource | ||
ip | string | true | The IP address of the consumer that will click on the link |
Name | Type | Description |
request_id | integer | The current API request ID |
type_response | string | If this is a sync response or async response |
timestamp | number | Timestamp of the query |
hash | string | This is the timestamp visible in the response concatenated with your username and finaly hashed with sha256 algorithm. Example: sha256('1472742723.9673|YourUserName') |
body | object | Body of the query |
temp_link | string | Temporary link the final user has to click on |
Name | Type | Description |
request_id | integer | The current API request ID |
type_response | string | If this is a sync response or async response |
timestamp | number | Timestamp of the query |
hash | string | This is the timestamp visible in the response concatenated with your username and finaly hashed with sha256 algorithm. Example: sha256('1472742723.9673|YourUserName') |
body | object | Body of the query |
error | object | |
code | integer | Exception code |
message | string | Exception message |
exception | string | Exception name |
When ordering a card you receive an order ID, you can use it to get a tracking link if available.
curl -G "{id}/tracking" \
-X GET \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer YOUR_TOKEN' \
-H 'X-Validation-Data: VALIDATION_DATA_STRING' \
php bla bla
Name | Type | Required | Description |
Authorization | string | true | The string 'Bearer ' followed by the token you got by using POST /oauth/v2/token uri. |
X-Validation-Data | string | true | A random string you generate, used to sign the query |
X-Signed-Request | string | true | This is a signature generated with your private RSA key + the X-Validation-Data string. |
Name | Type | Required | Possible values | Default | Description |
id | integer | true | Unique ID of the current resource |
Name | Type | Description |
request_id | integer | The current API request ID |
type_response | string | If this is a sync response or async response |
timestamp | number | Timestamp of the query |
hash | string | This is the timestamp visible in the response concatenated with your username and finaly hashed with sha256 algorithm. Example: sha256('1472742723.9673|YourUserName') |
body | object | Body of the query |
tracking_link | string | The tracking URL |
Name | Type | Description |
request_id | integer | The current API request ID |
type_response | string | If this is a sync response or async response |
timestamp | number | Timestamp of the query |
hash | string | This is the timestamp visible in the response concatenated with your username and finaly hashed with sha256 algorithm. Example: sha256('1472742723.9673|YourUserName') |
body | object | Body of the query |
error | object | |
code | integer | Exception code |
message | string | Exception message |
exception | string | Exception name |
Name | Type | Description |
request_id | integer | The current API request ID |
type_response | string | If this is a sync response or async response |
timestamp | number | Timestamp of the query |
hash | string | This is the timestamp visible in the response concatenated with your username and finaly hashed with sha256 algorithm. Example: sha256('1472742723.9673|YourUserName') |
body | object | Body of the query |
error | object | |
code | integer | Exception code |
message | string | Exception message |
exception | string | Exception name |